Sponsor – Genoa for Itaca 2017

genova per itaca 11 ottobre 2017

Sponsor – Genoa for Itaca 2017

The project
Center for the development of social and work autonomy of people with a history of mental distress, aged between 20 and 45 and who have ongoing care relationships. Founded in Milan in 2005, it implements, for the first time in Italy, the social integration model “Clubhouse International”, an organization that coordinates more than 300 centers around the world.

The Clubhouse

A non-healthcare daytime facility, managed with the Club formula, where Members engage in work units
All activities are aimed at recovering the pace of life and self-confidence
Members are responsible for the Club and carry out, supported by the staff, daily activities organized in work areas:

Administration and secretariat
Editorial staff of the periodical “Zena Zine”
Theatrical Writing
English conversation
Cinema club
Leisure opportunities
Job search

More information here